Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fill the Bucket

I am a planner. I have bagoodles (yes that is a word) of calendars, a filled planner, and about 4 or 5 lists going at any given time. So, this month, I have something new planned: Nothing.

Yeah, I am tired of running circles in the name of productivity. It is time to own up and live my life free and unhindered. Do not get me wrong. I will still probably love my calendars and planners. That is just me. However, I am actually planning unscheduled days off. I am planning "me" times. I am planning my wine and soaks in the tub, my hour-long reading sessions, my... I do not know what else as I rarely schedule "me" time, but you get my drift. Heck, I might just partner up with a loved one and schedule a nap every now and then. I think that is totally worth a trip to my parents house so they can watch my daughter for a couple hours. Man, I am getting antzy. I am totally pumped about this productivity thing, especially the part where taking a nap is checking off something on my list. Ha.

I even made a "Fill the Bucket" list, since I could not easily think of awesome "me" stuff to do. The title is "Fill the Bucket" because I read something somewhere about us all having a bucket that we could fill with life and joy and light and little moments in which we take pleasure. Okay, maybe it is kind of like a "Bucket List." If our bucket gets too low, we have little to give others, so it is very important to fill the bucket so we can have a hand in filling others' buckets. It is what life is all about, and I think the God of love and light would agree. I decided to sit down and think on it. Here is what I came up with:

Nap (duh), massage, wine and read, soak in the tub, back-to-back episodes of favorite show, buy new song on iTunes, buy new book, walk in nature, write creatively (I am doing it now!! Points for productivity), have fun with Cady, pedicure / manicure / facial (even if done at home), 5k run, self date (complete with movie, restaurant, etc. all done alone), creative project (like maybe painting a room... with wine in hand), practice at the shooting range, long pleasant talk with a loved one (and no distractions), meditation, yoga session, exercise, stay in bed ALL DAY, sing karaoke, and eat expensive chocolate. I am sure I can come up with much more than that, and it should be fun to think up new things.

Make your own "Fill the Bucket" list! What would you put on it?

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