Friday, July 17, 2015

Nothing New

Is there anything new under the sun? I can write a million words and not one of them unique. So, dear child, why on Earth do I still do it?

There's perpetual fire in my veins, an itch under my skin. My fingers long to type words that shape into images, personalities, relationships, stories, souls yearning, tales of both adventure and every day mundane grind turned into poetry about the human heart. I want to feel the worlds tumbling out, shining like brilliant stars, pointing the way to the heavens in the dark of this world.

In short, I can't stop or I'll die.

So, in answer, there is absolutely nothing new under the sun. Absolutely nothing more I can say that hasn't already been said and nothing more I can do that hasn't already been done. Not really.

However -

this yearning in my bones will not stop until this ancient world is peeled layer by layer again and again for every new born child, for every newly born soul. I must redirect the eyes to the heavens, and I can't stop until everyone is staring up.

Even then, I'll keep writing.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fall Together

"Don't look for Love. Quietly give it away and wait for it to come back."

Sometimes, this world wants us to think about ourselves. What I deserve, what I need, what I want, I I I... Of course, even I don't always know what I deserve, need or want. There are situations and seasons in time when going away is better than staying. There are also situations and seasons in time when staying is better than going away. When we stay, we must remember to return to God, to turn to what HE wants us to think.

He, the silent observer, creator of our world and destiny, pushes a chess piece across the board of life. This is more than a game, and He treats it with much seriousness. Our lives are made of fragments of time and minute strategic movements we don't always understand.

I deserve nothing because I am entitled to nothing. I am nothing without Him. However, I am everything WITH HIM. I smile at the sunset not because I possess it. I smile because the One who spins the stars is in control. He gives me everything I have, and nothing is actually mine. I am simply a steward of his gifts.

I need nothing because I have everything with Him. He who formed my body from the dust and warm winds knows what I need. If He so deemed it, I could survive without food, drink, or breath in my lungs. If He so deemed it, I could die any moment even with such life-sustaining minutia. I am at His mercy, and thankfully, His mercy is great whether I live or die.

I want nothing because, again, I have everything with Him. I may desire many things, but He gives me greater than I ever imagined because He knows me better than I know myself. He who knows the number of hairs on my head and can count the dust motes that exist from one end of the Universe to the other. Is it not wonderful then that His love for me is infinite, and He wants the best for me?

So, while I stay, I wait on Him. It'll save a lot of wasted time. While I wait on Love, I also wait on Him as He is love. I shall become love because I am His child, a Princess of Hearts, a Queen of Life, a Royal soldier to the One True King. He sustains, He provides, He fulfills. As I wait, He teaches me about Himself, shows me what Love is. He tells me to give it away and wait for it to return.